What are the Drinking
Habits in Oregon?
Oregon Liquor Sales Analysis
I worked on a research project that gathered information from public sources as well as the OLCC to analyze the liquor sales trends in Oregon. As you can see from the yearly sales visualized by month, the seasonality is strikingly similar year over year. The clear favorites are vodka and domestic whiskey, and Multnomah County makes up for the large majority of liquor sales.
For now, enjoy these graphs that tell an interesting story. This is the broadest level research for this project. I will be writing a full blog as I dig a little deeper into more specific insights and information.
Total Yearly Liquor Sales
There is consistent growth in liquor sales in Oregon year over year. My next move is to research whether this growth is due to increased prices, demand or both.
Seasonality of Liquor Sales in Oregon is Consistent
Total Liquor Sales in Oregon Shown by Year and Month
Liquor Sales by County
Total Revenue of all Liquor Sales
Liquor Sales by Type
Comparing Liquor Sales by County
This is a Shiny App where you can select counties and specific liquors to compare. The app works best when comparing 2-3 counties and 2-3 liquors. Or, 1 county and multiple liquors. There are some interested insights to find here. For instance, try selecting Multnohmah County and Marion County. Then select vodka, gin and tequila. The proportion of vodka sales in Multnohmah is much higher than gin, compared to the Marion County proportions of the same liquors. Also, interesting to see the steadiness of vodka and gin in Multnomah and Marion County, but then a steep rise in tequila sales specifically in Multnomah County. These are insights that will drive me to dig deeper and figure out, “Why?”